Meet Alicia Weaver
Today we’d like to introduce you to Alicia Weaver. Alicia, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. I grew up in a real estate office. My mom, the typical ambitious Realtor, would bring me into the office at a young age….
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The Pros and Cons of Owning a Vacation Rental in Phoenix | Property Management Advice
Vacation Rental by Owner (VRBO) is the latest craze in the rental market. Today, we’re talking about whether you want to VRBO your investment property. Property Investment vs. Vacation Investment: Different Markets There are some things to consider when you’re deciding whether you want to lease your property the traditional way or turn it into…
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Why Property Maintenance & Rental Inspections Are Important for Your Phoenix Investment
Maintenance is a vital part of your investment property, and we take it very seriously. We encourage tenants to notify us right away if there are any maintenance concerns or repair needs. Small problems like a dripping faucet can eventually lead to big problems like mold. Today, we’re discussing the importance of keeping your property…
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Evicting a Bad Tenant | A Property Management How-To for Phoenix, AZ
If you’re an investment property owner, chances are you’ve been in the situation where you have to evict a bad tenant. Typical evictions don’t come out of nowhere, and the process can be emotional, especially if you’ve been helping someone. In the last 13 years, I’ve learned you can best help a tenant in need…
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Property Management Fees for Rental Properties – What to Expect in Phoenix
When you’re looking for professional property management in Phoenix, you need to know what you can expect to pay for these services. Phoenix is a hot market for investment properties right now. That means a lot of companies are in the valley, offering services for the professional management of single family homes. Each company sets…
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Tenants Not Paying Rent? Phoenix Property Management Advice about What to Do
The most important and most difficult thing you’ll do when you have a tenant who isn’t paying rent is to take emotions out of the situation. Assuming you did not purchase this property for charitable causes, you aren’t in the business of providing free housing. Serve a 5 Day Notice If your tenant isn’t paying…
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Why Hire A Professional Property Management Company In Phoenix, AZ?
There are a lot of great reasons for why you should hire a professional Phoenix property management company to manage your investment property. Potential clients often come to us after self-managing their homes with the same problems. The property is under-managed and in disrepair, so it will cost thousands of dollars to bring it back to…
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The Lease Comes WITH The Deal?
Let’s assume you are a seasoned landlord. All your files are organized storing tenants information, where they work, emergency numbers, lease, and addendums, everything you need to secure your position as a landlord. In the best situations things can go wrong, however with a well organized file you minimize risk. When a rental property is…
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